PRnow or What to do?

Quelle: Pixabay, Foto: Ursula Di Chito

Berlin, Germany (PRnow). What is to be done? And: What do we do?

Well, we do what we want, can and are allowed to do. We take care of public relations work for personalities, companies, organisations and institutions that suit us. We turn down most enquiries because we are worth it.

If we want to and are allowed to, we can take on the preparation, realisation and follow-up of press events of all kinds, such as press interviews, press conferences and press/research trips.

PRnow’s press/research trips are organised in the traditional way. We support real reporters with proper research.

We take care of media campaigns and media co-operations.

We produce material for press and public relations work in words and images, audio and video and we take care of the distribution of our productions.

We also advise on all kinds of life and business situations.